
- 2022年1月14日
Radiological evaluation of pseudofracture after the administration of asfotase alfa in an adult with benign prenatal hypophosphatasia: A case report.

- 2021年10月20日
Altered Thyroid Function Tests Observed in Hypophosphatasia Patients Treated with Asfotase Alfa

- 2021年10月12日
Induction of FGF23-related hypophosphatemic osteomalacia by alcohol consumption

- 2021年10月9日
Association of Serum Parathyroid Hormone Levels With All-Cause and and Cause-Specific Mortality Among U.S. Adults

- 2021年9月25日
Burosumab treatment in adults with X-linked hypophosphataemia: 96-week patient-reported outcomes and ambulatory function from a randomised phase 3 trial and open-label extension

- 2021年9月10日
Burden of disease of X-linked hypophosphatemia in Japanese and Korean patients: a cross-sectional survey

- 2021年9月2日
Massive calcification around large joints in a patient subsequently diagnosed with adult-onset hypophosphatasia

- 2021年7月29日
Performance evaluation of the new chemiluminescent intact FGF23 assay relative to the existing assay system

- 2021年7月4日
Clinical performance of a novel chemiluminescent enzyme immunoassay for FGF23

- 2021年5月28日